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Who are we

Child Sponsor Programme was founded in 1981 as a department of Eastern European Outreach Intl. The goal of EEO Intl. is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this world, in particular in eastern Europe. By means of the sponsor programme, financial and spiritual support is offered to needy families.
In August 2006, Child Sponsor Programme became a separate independent organisation, in order to be able to execute projects in a more effective way. Child Sponsor Programme remains part of the international network of Eastern European Outreach Intl.

Our vision and goal as Child Sponsor Programme (CSP) is to spread the love of Christ by supporting poor families in eastern Europe with the basic necessities of
life, and by encouraging them to put their trust in God.
On the other hand, it also wants to encourage and motivate people in eastern Europe to serve the Lord by supporting the poor.
CSP also reaches out to non-Christian families and shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. It is a great joy to see many individuals but also whole families coming to faith in Jesus Christ through the sponsorships.

Our Goal
The main goal of CSP is sponsoring children, which means that monthly financial support will be given to the neediest families.
Our local contact persons personally give the aid to the families. Besides the money, the contact persons also offer practical and spiritual support to the families.
Another goal is, to offer help to sponsored families with housing problems, medical needs and emergencies. We also encourage families to start a small business or to find work, with the intention that they will be able to support themselves.

Child Sponsor Programme finds its Statement of  Faith in the Apostle's Creed

Besides, it is closely connected to the Evangelical Movement and can be identified with the The Lausanne Covenant.
General informations
Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands
(Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan
te Krimpen aan de Lek)

Direct donations to Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands

Attn: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan,
PO Box 2098, 2930 AB
Krimpen aan de Lek
Bank account numbers:
ING Bank: IBAN: NL51INGB0006990377

Rabobank: IBAN: NL82 RABO 0333 8113 72

Account name: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan, Capelle ad IJssel

Governing board
Mr. H. J. Kesting
Mr. G. van Sabben
Mr. M. J. van der Weide
See Bord of directors
Board of directors

Jaco van der Sterre

Peter Edelenbosch
(Supervisor Eastern Europe)

Cees Slings
(Field Funding)

Cobi van Sabben
(Financial supervisor)

Contact in Belgium

OostEuropa Zending VZW /
Kinder Sponsor Plan 170
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp)

Bank account number:
IBAN: BE57 4140 3536 6135
Account name:
OostEuropa Zending VZW Brussels

Online donation
Click here for your donation to
Child Sponsor Programme
(Kinder Sponsor Plan)